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  2004 Dave Shepard Scholarship
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Joe Kington
Tennessee Technological University

Joe Kington

Hello, my name is Joe Kington, and I am honored to have been selected as this year's Dave Shepard Scholarship winner.  I would like to thank you all for your generous gifts towards funding this award.  Here is some information about myself.  I was born in Nashville, TN in 1982, and spent my first few years in Antioch, Smyrna, and Lebanon, TN.  When I was four, my family moved to my uncle's farm in Perry Co., TN to help him with the farm.  Perry county is the least densely populated county in the state, and growing up there gave me a lasting love for the outdoors and curiosity toward natural systems.  After graduating high school, I enrolled at Tennessee Technological University as an electrical engineering major and promptly switched my major to physics, with the intent to study meteorology in the graduate school.  After two years as a physics major, I switched to geology for the chance to study something more directly applicable to the world around me.  Since changing my major to geology two years ago, I have had the chance to study geology on field trips around the country.  The picture of myself was taken at Lost Dutchman State Park, AZ.  I am holding a cholla ball, the bane of our existence on that trip, and as you can see, we had been out in the desert a little too long at that point.  I now find geology vastly more interesting than meteorology and hope to study some aspect of sedimentology or geophysics in graduate school.  I thank you all for your time and dedication in raising funds and wish you the best of luck in pursuing your interests and hobbies.


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