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Gil Draper
Tennessee Technological University

Gil Draper

I am twenty-two years old and was born and raised in Cookeville, Tennessee, home to Tennessee Technological University. I am a senior geology major with a minor in environmental studies. I have been enrolled as a geology major since the fall of 1997. During this time, I have attended short field trips, student presentations, and participated in the annual Geoconclave. This past summer I completed a two month research internship at the University of Idaho, which involved detailed descriptions of rocks in hand sample and thin section. I have been an active member of the Student Environmental Action Coalition and I am currently an officer of the GeoClub. I have completed the mineralogy/petrology sequence and have also taken structural geology, physical geology, historical geology, and computer techniques in geology. I am currently taking sedimentology & stratigraphy and hydrogeology. Out of all the geology courses I have taken, or am taking now, hydrogeology interests me the most. Upon graduating, I plan to go to graduate school or get a job pertaining to hydrogeology and environmental geology. In my free time, I enjoy rock climbing, backpacking, playing music, attending bluegrass festivals, and bowling.


horizontal rule

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