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MTGMS Membership

The Mid-Tennessee Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. is a non-profit educational society dedicated to the study and enjoyment of the earth sciences.  We are open to the public for the education of all who wish to attend.  Society membership is open to persons interested in the earth sciences.

Dues are $15.00 for the first person and $2.00 for each additional family member in the same household.  Dues are payable January 1st and are prorated in April, July and October for new members.

Membership Application
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Some Membership Benefits

bulletEach membership household receives our monthly newsletter the Mid-Tenn Gem'ers.
bulletThe MTGMS maintains a library of books, videos, and magazines of related subjects.
bulletField trips to various locations.
bulletSpecial William Holland School of Lapidary Arts SFMS Workshops.
bulletSpecial Wildacres Retreat SFMS Workshops.
bulletOur members also enjoy the benefits of the MTGMS being a member of the Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies and affiliated with the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies.
bulletAn association of hundreds of other clubs and societies across the country.
bulletThe opportunity to associate with some of the greatest folks you'll ever meet.



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© 1997-2024 Mid-Tennessee Gem & Mineral Society
Send website questions or suggestions to webmastermtgms.org
Send other questions or suggestions to infomtgms.org